Fri. Sep 20th, 2024
healthy foods for weight loss

healthy foods for weight loss

Which are the most effective & healthy foods for weight loss?

At this time there are many problems in human life to health-related such as cancer, diabetes, heart problem etc. But heavyweight is one of them and it is a common problem. The cause of heavyweight is not unbalanced internal hormone of your body such as Estrogen, Cortisol, Testosterone besides it also depends on your diet that which type of foods to eat in your diet.

And losing weight is not enough only depends on the exercise- for it what you eat matters too. But do you eat as a healthy diet that maintained your fitness also with weight? Because these foods contain all of the nutrients element also with the mineral that provides the energy of our body. I am going to describe healthy foods for weight loss that will help to decrease your weight loss


Absolutely, Nut contain enough calories and it is a nutrient diet. But Almonds is similar to a nut and contain all properties of nut also itself. Almonds consist of a sufficient quantity of protein and fiber that famous for reducing weight loss.


During the study of the Journal American Heart Association, Circulation, found that If you eat 1.5 ounces of almonds daily it provides extra protection of the heart and assist to improve cholesterol and lipid profiles. To eat almonds every day is good weight loss tips and it increases the thinking power of your mind. Seeing the benefits of Almonds, you can say that it is healthy foods for weight loss

Tomato juice

There are many foods for weight loss but tomato juice is one of them. If you want to reduce your weight fastly you may drink tomato juice because Nutrition Journal researcher has research and told that tomato juice consumption there are increases resting energy expenditure that helps to reduce your weight loss.

Tomato juice
Tomato juice

After eight weeks of taking without salt tomato juice double glass daily, the 95 women in the study enhanced their REE by an average of over 100 calories per day. Besides it, there are many types of vitamin and mineral finding into tomato juice like C, A, K, B1, B2, B3, B5 and B6, and minerals potassium, manganese, and iron. This is tomato good for health & effective, healthy foods for weight loss.


Nutrients researcher during the study in 2016 found that Garlic nutrients powder decrease body weight loss and fat mass among people with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Currently, studies have also shown that garlic supports blood-sugar metabolism, and assist prevent lipid levels in the blood.


Garlic is the most effective & healthy foods for weight loss

There are many health benefits of garlic, it helps boost your immune system and can help to ward off heart disease and increase the lower blood pressure level, therefore, you may add garlic in your diet. It is the best healthy foods for weight loss and there is no garlic side effect if you eat garlic a certain amount with your diet.



In the list of foods, Beans is the best weight loss food that promotes your feeling and helps to balance your blood sugar levels. According to, in fact,  Clinical Nutrition food researcher found that to take doze a day one time of beans, chickpeas and beans or lentils could beneficial to weight loss. Because fiber and protein-rich follicle are other excellent sources of genistein—the same compound found in peanuts and lentils that aids weight loss. Also with weight loss, beans consist of a lot of vitamins and minerals like A, C, K,  Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, and Folate etc. And it is the best healthy foods for weight loss.



Kefir is a curd-like substance, but it really consists less sugar and more protein than comparison to curd. Due to low protein and sugar, it helps to weight loss also helpful to digestion of food. According to the study, kefir showed weight loss properties similar to other milk and product. Some other healthy foods for weight loss such as kombucha, fermented item,  kimchi etc

Red wine

Red wine
Red wine

According to research, if an adult person drinks 100 calories worth of red wine alcohol daily instead of beer or sugary cocktails then it can drastically reduce your weight loss and make your waistline thinner. Red wine is especially a good source of those waist-shrinking flavonoids that are also found in red fruits. Because red wine made with various fruits and contain Resveratrol and flavonoid that helps prevent blood vessel damage and reduces your ‘bad cholesterol. Red wine is counted in the list of healthy foods for weight loss & drinks.

Sweat potato

sweet potato
sweet potato

As you know that white potatoes consist of some potassium and fiber but sweet potatoes have a high quantity of nutrition which meaning that you should think to add sweet potatoes to your diet. Because the 4-gram sweet potato contains 25% fiber. The combination of protein and fiber provides the flexibility of our body and helps to reduce weight loss. Sweet potato is a special healthy food for weight loss.


The Tuna

Tuna is another low-calorie, high-protein eating materials. It’sprotein-rich fish, meaning it’s low in fat. Tuna is famous for bodybuilding and fitness.  it’s a great way to increase protein intake while managing total calories and fat low and it is good healthy food for weight loss. If you’re trying to take protein intake, make sure to select tuna canned in water, not oil.

Apple Cider Vinegar

 apple cinder vinegar
the best weight loss treatment is apple cider vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegars is an amazing natural & effective healthy food for weight loss. It is frequently used in spice and dressing, but some people use to drink it with water. One 84 day study in obese individuals also we find that if we take 15 or 30 ml of vinegar per day carried weight loss of  2.6–3.7 pounds or 1.2–1.7 kilograms. Apple cider vinegar has also displayed to decrease blood sugar spikes after meals and protects to your body long term from various type of diseases.



I have explained whole information about healthy foods for weight loss. It is easily available in the market and you may add in your diet. If you want to reduce your weight, you can try to eat these materials on a regular base also with exercise. I am sure that it helps to decrease your weight.

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